Colorful Foods for Mental Wellness

Colorful Foods for Mental Wellness

By Deanna Minich, PhD, FACN, CNS, IFMCPNutritionist, Author, Researcher, Educator, Artist It’s been said long ago by Hippocrates that “food is medicine." I would add that on many levels “color is medicine,” especially the colors of food. We are learning more about the...

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I Nearly Gave Up

I Nearly Gave Up

Sara Peternell, MNT, BCHN®, Marketing Specialist, NANP shares her story of how the 2020 pandemic year reshaped her private practice and inspired hope in her clients.

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Everything Revolves Around the Soil

Everything Revolves Around the Soil

When we refer to soil, what do we mean? Soil is a mixture of minerals, water, air, and organisms, both living & dead. With these four components, we have the foundation to our food systems, the natural world, and the key to our global health.

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Uninvited Challenges

Uninvited Challenges

by Nicole Hodson, Executive Director, NANP It seems like every day since the pandemic hit, we’re facing new, uninvited challenges in our lives. Let’s face it, most of us figured by now things would be back to normal – or at least we hoped so. But, as the months have...

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NANP is Going For It! Are YOU With Us?

NANP is Going For It! Are YOU With Us?

by Barbara Rodgers, NC, BCHN®, NANP Board President For those of you who are parents, an aunt or an uncle, or even just a close friend of a young person, you probably know that feeling of pride that is oftentimes accompanied by “gushing” (i.e., going on and on with...

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