Are you practicing Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)?
Staying within the Scope of Practice for Holistic Nutrition Professionals (HNPs) is critical. Unless you’re a licensed practitioner, your scope doesn’t allow you to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, prescribe, heal, mitigate or manage any disease state. Instead, our job...

Success Story: Jennifer Brooks, BCHN®, CDSP™
Congratulations to Professional member, and GOLO Co-Founder and President, Jennifer Brooks, BCHN®, CDSP™, who has been named Top 25 Women Leaders in Consumer HealthTech of 2022 by The Healthcare Technology Report! We recently had the chance for a...

The Latest in Legislative Affairs
It’s a New Year, and I hope you are as excited as I am about helping your clients succeed in 2022. Like many of you, I see an upswing in inquiries during January. People are ready to start anew, focusing on change and healthy lifestyles. While it is exciting to hear...

A Microbiome is Born: Unique Tools for Baby and Mom
When I became pregnant 13 years ago for the first time, I never would have imagined delivering by cesarean section. I had recently finished a hypnobirthing class and would have gladly birthed at home if my husband was on board.

Supporting the Body Through a Respiratory Virus – A Holistic Nutrition Perspective
As holistic nutrition professionals, we work day-to-day with our clients offering nutritional support when they contract a respiratory virus. NANP Professional Member, Mary Beth Gudewicz, was recently faced with her own respiratory illness and utilized the following treatments to help her move through the life of the virus.

What does it mean to pursue your passion?
It likely starts with risk. For me, it started in January 2020 when I admitted to myself how miserable I was at my lucrative, corporate day job that involved carpet fibers - anything but holistic nutrition. I had reached a point in life where I could no longer keep...

The Benefits of Regenerative Ranching
Chloe Parker explains how well-managed cattle (and the practice of regenerative ranching) are our best chance at improving soil health and sequestering carbon. Nutritionally-speaking, red meat is also a superfood, rich in high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals.

What Your Clients Really Hunger For
Author Danielle Brooks explore the question: “If you had the chance to be bored in the positive sense, what would you be inspired or compelled to do? What would it say about the essence of who you are? How could positive boredom help your clients?”

I knew I needed NANP before I ever enrolled in school.
As Whitney researched for a holistic nutrition school to attend, her search results kept pointing her back to the same place: The National Association of Nutrition Professionals.

It’s Official; the Pandemic Gave a Boost to Holistic Nutrition
This is great news, guys. According to the International Food Information Council’s (IFIC) 2020 Food and Health Survey, as many as 85% of Americans made changes in their food or how they prepare food because of the pandemic. Despite so many of the challenges we faced...
Can a Holistic Nutrition Professional Accept Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Payments for Services Rendered?
"I recently had a discovery call with a prospective client who asked if I accepted FSA as payment. Can I accept...
New Federal Reporting Information
The New Federal Reporting Requirement for Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) became effective on January...
What Members Are Saying
"Not only does NANP support us as Nutrition Professionals as a whole, but the community and resources that we can use in our day to day business are all there for us in one place."
~ NANP member