Strengthening Our NANP Partnerships

by Lisa Powers, Development Specialist, NANP

I’m pretty excited to be writing my first article for the NANP.

It’s been just over two months since I joined the team, and during that time I’ve been struck by the passion and dedication of our members in the field of holistic nutrition.

The more I learn about our members, the more determined I am to seek out and work with potential partners who mirror that passion and dedication.

I’ve also been learning a great deal from our current partners about how they consider NANP members to be their collaborators on this life-journey; from our partner schools who work to educate and nurture their students, to industry partners who count on our members for support and feedback, and who offer tangible benefits in return.

Benefits for members include:

  • product discounts
  • access to cutting-edge research
  • general and specific business expertise
  • legal and insurance support
  • great skincare and cosmetics
  • and (my favorite) clean, organic food

Just to name a few!

To facilitate what I think is already a synergistic environment, and in order to make sure our partners have meaningful and on-going access to our members, the NANP has recently renovated the way we work with our partners.

Rather than offer a set menu of marketing opportunities, we’ve developed strategically-focused packages that are designed to ensure our partners have the chance to inform, enlighten, and integrate fully into our community.

This means our partners are not just simply “advertising” to you, our members.  They are one of us, and they understand your needs, values and the ways in which you do your work. Our partners become allies and a foundation for supporting your daily functions.

This makes our community stronger.

As we expand both the scope and scale of opportunities available to those partners whose products and expertise are invaluable to our members, NANP members benefit by having access to a greater array of services and product providers. Think of it like this: when you can choose from so many different avenues – who do you want to learn from? Who resonates with your business? Who helps strengthen the offerings to your clientele?

And, for our partners – the reciprocal benefits are strong as well. This audience of holistic nutrition professionals is the best, brightest and most passionate anywhere in the country (even the world!). These are the people you want to inform about your organization. These are the champions of holistic health, the leaders of change, and the pioneers of a new path for healthy eating and living.

In closing, let me say how delighted I am to be part of this fabulous organization. I am here to engage viable partners for the NANP and our members.

If you have suggestions, comments, or ideas about how I can continue to bring the right people together for the benefit of all, please send them my way:

In the meantime, enjoy, love, and nurture!

– Lisa Powers, Development Specialist, NANP

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