Wyoming is an Exclusive Scope of Practice State. The law requires a license to provide nutrition care, and only dietitians may obtain a license. You may not assess the nutritional needs of individuals or groups, and you may not refer to yourself or imply that you are licensed, certified, or registered in the state of Wyoming. The law restricts the titles of “dietitian” and “nutritionist.” There are exemptions for holistic nutrition professionals in Wyoming that will enable you to practice.
Exemptions: § 33-47-103. Exemptions; persons and practices not affected.
(a) The following shall not be considered to be practicing dietetics under this act:
(i) A qualified member of a legally recognized profession who is otherwise licensed or certified by this state, while performing services consistent with the license or certification, provided the member does not purport to be practicing dietetics and does not claim to be a dietitian;
(iv) A person employed by a school district who is responsible for menu planning, purchasing of food, meal preparation or food safety, who uses general nonmedical nutrition information in the performance of the person’s duties and who does not purport to be practicing dietetics and does not claim to be a dietitian;
(v) A retailer who furnishes oral or written general nonmedical nutrition information related to food, food materials or dietary supplements or the marketing of food, food materials or dietary supplements;
(vi) A person who is employed as an instructor at a United States regionally accredited college or university with a major course of study in human nutrition, nutrition education, public health nutrition, food and nutrition, dietetics or food systems management or an equivalent major course of study as approved by the board;
(vii) A person providing weight control services;
(ix) A person offering general nonmedical nutritional information, either as part of the sales of nutritional products or independently, who does not represent that they are a licensed dietician.
Source: Wyoming Statute § 33-47-103