Legislative Affairs > State Laws


Oklahoma licenses dietitians but there are no licensing requirements limiting who may provide nutrition care. Certain titles are protected and Section 1736 Titles and abbreviations state:

“A. A person may not use the title or represent or imply that he or she has the title of licensed dietitian or provisional licensed dietitian or use the letters L.D. or PLD and may not use any facsimile of those titles in any manner to indicate or imply that the person is a licensed dietitian or provisional licensed dietitian, unless that person holds an appropriate license.

B. A person shall not use the title or represent or imply that he has the title of registered dietitian or the letters R.D. and shall not use any facsimile of the title in any manner to indicate or imply that the person is registered as a registered dietitian by the Commission on Dietetic Registration, unless the person is registered as a registered dietitian by the Commission on Dietetic Registration.

C. Any person convicted of knowingly or intentionally violating the provisions of subsection A or B of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.”

Oklahoma Registered Dietitian Act, Title 59, Sections 1721-1741