Legislative Affairs > State Laws


Nevada licenses dietitians, however, there are no licensing requirements regulating who may provide individualized nutrition services in Nevada. The State does protect the title of dietitian”, “L.D.”, “licensed dietitian” or any other letters, words or insignia indicating or implying that he or she is licensed to engage in the practice of dietetics, or in any other way, orally, or in writing or print, or by sign, directly or by implication, use the word dietetics” or represent himself or herself as licensed or qualified to engage in the practice of dietetics in this State; or List or cause to have listed in any directory, including without limitation, a telephone directory, his or her name or the name of his or her company under the heading “Dietitian” or any other term that indicates or implies that he or she is licensed or qualified to engage in the practice of dietetics in this State.”

Nevada Chapter 640E – Dietetics

Nevada Exemptions, Chapter 640E – Dietitians (N.R.S. 640E.090)