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Louisiana licenses dietitians and requires a license to provide nutrition care. The law states “No person shall use the titles “dietitian,” “dietician,” or “nutritionist” or any abbreviation or facsimile thereof unless he is licensed in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and is engaged in the practice of human nutrition, or meets the exemptions in R.S. 37:3093. There are broad exemptions that allow holistic nutrition professionals to practice in the State of Louisiana.

  • 3093. Exemptions


  1. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to affect or prevent:

(1)  A student enrolled in an approved academic program in dietetics/nutrition from engaging in the practice of dietetics/nutrition, if such practice constitutes a part of a supervised course of study, and if the student is designated by a title which clearly indicates his status as a student or trainee; any person fulfilling the experience requirements of R.S. 37:3086(C)(2) from engaging in the practice of dietetics/nutrition under the supervision of a licensed dietitian/nutritionist.

(2)  A dietitian/nutritionist who is serving in the Armed Forces or any other federal agency from engaging in the practice of dietetics/nutrition provided such practice is related to service or employment.

(3)    (a)  Persons licensed to practice the professions of dentistry, medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, nursing, or pharmacy from engaging in the practice of dietetics/nutrition when incidental to the practice of their profession, except that such persons may not use the titles “dietitian”, “dietician”, or “nutritionist”.

(b)  Employees of physicians or osteopaths who work in the private office of and under the direction and supervision of a physician or osteopath, provided that such employees do not engage in the practice of dietetics/nutrition or use the titles “dietitian”, “dietician”, or “nutritionist”.

(4)  Persons who perform the activities and services of a nutrition educator in the employ of a federal, state, parish, or municipal agency, or another political subdivision, or a chartered elementary or secondary school or accredited degree-granting educational institution insofar as such activities and services are part of a salaried position.

(5)  Employees classified by the state civil service commission from engaging in the practice of dietetics/nutrition within the discharge of official duties and authorized to use the title “dietitian”, dietician”, or “nutritionist” and who is not registry-eligible or registered currently with the Commission on Dietetic Registration and is in such a position prior to July 1, 1988.

(6)  A nonresident registered dietitian/nutritionist from practicing dietetics/nutrition in Louisiana for five days without a license or up to thirty days per year with licensure from another state if the requirements for licensure are substantially equal to the requirements contained in R.S. 37:3086.

(7)  A person from marketing or distributing food, food materials, or food supplements or a person from engaging in an explanation of the use or preparation of these products, or from furnishing general nutrition information related to such products in connection with the marketing or distribution of such products, if that person does not represent himself as a dietitian or nutritionist.

(8)  A person from providing weight control services through a program which has been reviewed by, consultation is available from, and no program change can be initiated without prior approval by a licensed dietitian/nutritionist, a dietitian/nutritionist licensed in another state which has licensure requirements at least as stringent as the requirements for licensure specified herein, or a dietitian registered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration of the American Dietetic Association.

(9)  Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 1055, §2.

  1. Persons with a doctorate degree granted prior to July 1, 1988, with a major course of study in human nutrition, foods and nutrition, dietetics, food systems management, or food science and a human nutrition minor from a regionally accredited college or university may use the title “nutritionist” but may not practice dietetics/nutrition unless licensed as provided herein.

    C. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to affect or prevent any person employed on or before August 15, 1999, by a physical fitness center that is a member of the Louisiana Health and Fitness Association when the employee is providing information on exercise and weight control to members of the center.

Louisiana Dietitics/Nutritionist Practice Act