New York

New York Certifies dietitians and nutritionists and protects the titles “certified dietitian,” “certified dietician,” and “certified nutritionist.” There are no further restrictions and holistic nutrition professionals may provide...


There are no restrictions on the practice of nutrition in Michigan and holistic nutrition professionals may work within their scope of practice.


Maine Statutes License Dietitians under Title 32, Chapter 104. §9906 states “A person may not practice dietetics or claim to be a dietitian or a dietetic technician unless that person is licensed in accordance with this chapter.” In June of 2019, the State of Maine...


Colorado does not have a licensure law and does not place restrictions on who may provide nutrition services. The title of dietitian is protected, you may not “claim to be a dietitian or use any abbreviations associated with dietitians unless you have either orally or...


California law does not prohibit any person from providing nutrition advice. Holistic nutrition professionals may work within their scope of practice. The law does protect the titles of “dietetic technician,” “registered dietitian,”...