NANPs Nourishing You Podcast

The NANP Nourishing You Podcast is a monthly show dedicated to featuring an expert in the holistic wellness space on a timely topic we know you’ll want to learn more about! We strive to shine a light on innovative ideas and concepts in the holistic health space in an effort to help our community thrive. Subscribe and tune in to stay on top of the latest!

The podcast is written, produced and co-hosted by two of our outstanding board certified NANP members – Diana Walley and Kristen Burkett.

In January 2022, our Nourishing Your Practice podcast was rebranded to the Nourishing You podcast. Each episode features a different practitioner diving into what’s working in their practice and sharing ideas with others in the holistic nutrition field!

Meet Our Podcast Hosts

While Diana and Kristen have independent private nutrition practices, they have a shared vision for human thriving. Their framework focuses on increasing health span by delivering science-based holistic nutrition protocols, lifestyle optimization techniques, and tools for navigating our planet’s complex food system. Over time they blended their strengths into a passion project where they collaborate on group and online nutrition offerings and practitioner training.

Living in different cities doesn’t get in their way; they stay connected virtually and honor each other’s commitments to family and private clients while creating tangible goals and deadlines to continue bringing their ideas to fruition—and have a lot of fun together along the way!

Diana and Kristen teamed up in 2019 to collaborate on yet another incredible concept—the podcast framework that would ultimately become the upcoming series Nourishing Your Practice for the NANP. The podcast was born out of their love for what they do, passion for our industry, and vision of helping others achieve their dreams with holistic nutrition.

Meet Diana Walley, MNT, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition®️

Diana is an MNT, CPT and is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition®. She specializes in personalized Nutrition Therapy to help clients eat and live well. Diana believes nutrition is the foundation of health and well-being. Whether you want to lose weight, boost energy, fuel workouts or increase longevity, Diana can help you re-shape your habits to achieve your health goals and live a happier life! Diana is a graduate of the Nutrition Therapy Institute in Denver and has well over a decade of experience coaching a wide range of clients. With certifications in both nutrition and exercise, Diana has a unique understanding of the synergy between diet and movement and what it takes to help clients make real and permanent change. As a leader in the health space, Diana co-hosts the NANP’s popular Nourishing You podcast, featuring well-respected health experts. She also enjoys delivering educational seminars on nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle topics. Diana is on a mission to help her clients achieve and maintain their health and vitality for life!

Visit Diana’s website.

Meet Kristen Burkett, MS, MNT, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition®️

Kristen is a functionally trained MNT and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition®.  She is passionate about empowering individuals to break out of traditional healthcare boundaries, take charge of their health, and live their most vibrant lives.  She has a private practice specializing in digestive wellness, natural female hormone balancing, and vibrant aging.  Kristen combines the latest research and analytical tools to create personalized plans to help her clients achieve their goals in a practical, meaningful way.  As a former healthcare executive in quality improvement, she has a unique perspective into functional applications of true root cause analysis.  Kristen holds bachelor’s degrees in biology and chemistry, a Master of Science and received her MNT from the Nutrition Therapy Institute in Denver. Her devotion to bringing the concepts of holistic health to a broader audience has led her to a faculty member/instructor role at the Nutrition Therapy Institute where her love of teaching and advancing holistic nutrition comes to life. Additionally, in her quest to connect practitioners and individuals to cutting edge holistic concepts on a bigger platform, Kristen co-hosts the respected NANP’s Nourishing You Podcast where prestigious experts enlighten us all.  For Kristen, getting the word out, igniting others to be responsible for their health journey and guiding individuals through the process to live their best lives is what it’s all about!

Visit Kristen’s website.

What Members Are Saying

"Not only does NANP support us as Nutrition Professionals as a whole, but the community and resources that we can use in our day to day business are all there for us in one place."

~ NANP member

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