Dietary Supplement Professional Programs

The following program has met NANP’s educational standards. Graduates of this program are eligible to take the Certified Dietary Supplement Professional™ (CDSP™) exam and join the NANP as an Associate member upon passing the exam. Certificates are provided once the exam is passed and Associate membership is approved.

NOTE: Graduates of NANP-approved holistic nutrition programs and Professional Members of the NANP are not required to take additional coursework to qualify to take this exam. 

American College of Healthcare Sciences

* Accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC)

5005 S. Macadam Avenue
Portland, OR 97239

(800) 487-8839

Approved Program: Certified Dietary Supplement Professional (CDSP) Exam Prep Program


  • This program is particularly well suited for those with no formal nutrition education.
  • Those taking this program for continuing education can earn up to forty (40) Continuing Education Credits.

This program is for nutrition professionals who have a bachelor’s or master’s in nutrition or graduated from an NANP-approved school and wish to upgrade their supplement knowledge before taking the CDSP™ exam.

Designs for Health

14 Commerce Blvd
Palm Coast FL 32164
(386) 6277220 

Approved Program: Dietary Supplement Specialist™ Certification program

NOTE:  This program is approved for Seven (7) NANP Continuing Education Credits.

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"Not only does NANP support us as Nutrition Professionals as a whole, but the community and resources that we can use in our day to day business are all there for us in one place."

~ NANP member

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