Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) is intended to support the NANP members individually and collectively in maintaining a high level of ethical conduct. They are standards used to determine the propriety of conduct in relationships with clients, colleagues, members of allied professions and the public. The honored ideals of the NANP state that the responsibility of the NANP member extends not only to the individual but also to society.
- The NANP member will participate in activities that improve the nutritional well-being of the client and the community.
- NANP members will strive continually to improve skill and knowledge and make their professional attainments available to their clients and colleagues.
- An NANP member’s services or counseling will be founded on a legal and practical basis in accordance with state and federal laws. The member will not voluntarily associate or work with anyone who violates this principle.
- An NANP member will not exceed their scope of service or practice, either in abilities or by law.
- An NANP member will not intentionally misrepresent their education or professional credentials nor will they use the term Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition® or BCHN® without the express written permission and approval of NANP.
- An NANP member will choose whom he or she will serve. Having undertaken a client, however, they may not neglect the client unless discharged. The member may discontinue service only after giving due notice to the client.
- An NANP member will seek consultation in doubtful or difficult cases, and whenever it appears that the services of other professionals are warranted to provide more complete or better quality advice.
- An NANP member will not reveal the confidences entrusted in the course of consultations unless required to do so by law.
- The members of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals will guard the public and themselves against any nutritional counselor deficient in moral character or professional competence. They will obey all laws, uphold the dignity and honor of the profession and accept its self-imposed disciplines. They will oppose without hesitation the illegal or unethical conduct of fellow members.
- In pursuit of this code and these goals, an NANP member will vigorously defend our first amendment right of freedom of speech and press to impart truthful information concerning diet and nutrition and will defend the health freedom right of the public to obtain such data from the sources that they may choose.
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What Members Are Saying
"Not only does NANP support us as Nutrition Professionals as a whole, but the community and resources that we can use in our day to day business are all there for us in one place."
~ NANP member