Autoimmune Paleo Certified Coach® Practitioner Training Program


30 CEC’s

Gain the knowledge and skills you need to confidently serve your autoimmune clients directly from the top experts in the field.
The program is open to practitioners with existing certifications or licenses to work directly with clients or patients. Health coaches, nutritional therapy practitioners and consultants, registered dietitians, chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, and medical doctors (and others!) can all integrate this information into their practices. Upon completion of the coursework, an exam, and proof of certification and/or licensure and insurance, graduates will have permission to use the AIP Certified Coach mark on their marketing materials, call themselves an AIP Certified Coach, and be listed in the practitioner directory on our website. Graduates will be granted a license to use a collection of over 55 custom-designed handouts, self-assessments, checklists, and charts.


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February 28, 2024