If you’re not attracting enough clients, it’s likely you’re making one (or more) of the 8 biggest mistakes that keep clients away. But it is possible (and essential) to turn these mistakes around, if you want a thriving business. Join us for a special training called, “8 Mistakes Nutrition Professionals and Health Coaches Make that Keep Clients Away (and How to Avoid Them)”.
Thrive leaders Jesse Koren and Sharla Jacobs have been recognized as the leading authorities in teaching coaches and holistic practitioners how to attract more clients. During this deminar, you’ll learn the essential skills to attract all the quality clients you want without being pushy or sales-y. You will discover if you’re making any of these big mistakes (and you’ll get the remedies), plus what you can do, starting today, to attract new clients immediately..
PS. If you’re ready to know exactly how to attract more of your ideal clients, then we highly recommend you attend. Your new clients will be glad you learned these skills!
PPS. Sharla will be giving away a special gift, just for those who attend the training.
To Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RApK3zAqT7CS6iEDUHGgXg
Sharla Jacobs Co – Founder @Thrive Academy